We hate WWE's PG era

As most of us know, wwe began their programming under a PG attitude excluding the original "tv 14" era that lasted for so long in year after attitude era ended in 2001 still 2001-2005 was better but after 2005 actually PG era . Basically the rating itself didn't hit hard at first. On the occasional ppv there would be blood drawn or violence that would spark a great reaction. But over the last few months what has the wwe become as far as violence? You be the judge. If you saw last night on Raw HHH lowered a steel cage to be in the ring against Cody Rhodes, he then persuaded to punish part of Legacy, and then to cap it off he nailed Rhodes with a sledgehammer. The whole segment was done to a good level, but what was missing? Blood.

Can you recall the last time anyone was hit with a steel chair, sledgehammer, or steel steps and didn't draw blood? Back in the day a sledgehammer shot would mess you up good, and now nothing.

Why Vince has chose this direction for the audience. I am a huge wwe fan and always will be but it just seems wrong to screw the hardcore longtime wwe fans by not giving them what they want. Its fine for smackdown to be PG, but you should keep Raw at rated R like Raw is War. The show is on late on Monday night on cable. I hate to say it, but Vince is trying to make an unrespectable entertainment respectable and too professional. And I don't mean unrespectable as in the work that every employee does for wrestling, but, unrespectable in the eyes of how families view it. Why also did wwe see the need to give us "did you know" facts, week after week? Can they give us did u know fact about attitude era? Everyone knows how many shows the wwe puts on and how many events they do and if they didn't they can’t consider themselves to be a real wrestling fan. What will it take for wwe to go TV 14 again? The obvious answer would be competition but there are more logic reasons behind it. The Chris Benoit tragedy hit wrestling like the September 11th attacks hit America. Both were never the same again and it seems like a new generation of wrestling fans could either help or make worse the known fact that wwe is going soft in ways. While wwe has stepped up their game for wrestlemania, we have to ask ourselves how long it will last? Why do we now have kids who cry if their wrestler doesn't win or have a title? All we can do is hope for the best as to when wwe forget the past criticism of the media and build up its brands as THE attiudal grounds for excitement again. I m not asking for a complete remake of a attitude era, because I know only The Rock, Stone Cold And Y2J can bring or re-instead Attitude era. I just want more possibilities to be explored to give new wrestling fans a chance to see things that they didn't have the pleasure of witnessing live.

These are main points why we (real WWE fans who thinks WWE forever) hate WWE’s PG era.

- No swearing
- No alcohol or cigarettes involved
- No sexuality
- No pervert remarks
- Divas don't dress sexy
- Having to watch a pathetic midget week after week
- Less violence
- Good wrestlers getting fired because of drugs
- DX can't do any cock jokes or anything funny

- We can’t see blood

Last I just want to say there we have it everyone. The PG era of wwe. Like every era it meets its end it will also end.

After PG era finish will we able to see something violence or WWE will go to on cartoon network?

But question is for how long will it last or what will it take to end WWE PG era?
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